Day 57… You Spin Me Round
Suburbia and cities I can say are not for me. Even here in VT at my sister and brother-in-laws, although I think my version of suburbia has changed. The townhouse complex that they live in seems like suburbia to me. They have fields behind the house but I miss my vast array of trails and mountains out my back door. Since the Spartan Beast is Saturday and by all accounts its going to be a gnarly course, I am tapering my training. At the same time I am upping or at least attempting to up my studying in order to enjoy myself over the weekend.
Trails behind the house |
So this afternoon before hitting the books I got out on the small trail behind their house. I felt like I was running around in circles for 37 minutes, finishing up with a lap around the soccer field. It was slow, but got my legs moving after the weekend. Not very inspiring but after a day sitting in a classroom it was good to get out and move around. Did a little bushwhacking along the way, pretty much par for the course for me.
The highlight of my day I must say has been the excitement generated about all my Spartan Race Family getting together this weekend. If I have not talked about it before, I was invited to be part of the Spartan Chicked Team. It comprises of an amazing group of female athletes ranging in age from 21 to 42. We have a team uniform for the upcoming race, that will then be available to the general public for sale at the event. Can’t wait to see all the ladies this weekend!
Trail Run
Hinesburg, VT
Distance: 3.35 Miles
Time: 37:05
For now it’s back to the books!