Dirt in Your Skirt Mugs Update
A while ago I surveyed our Dirt in Your Skirt Tribe Members. to see what you all would want as a new item in the Dirt in Your Skirt Shop. Overwhelming the answer was a mug! Listening to your feedback I went out to find a pottery company.
I had a few musts when looking for a pottery company to work with.
The first thing I wanted was a local company to me here in Salt Lake City, UT. Working local is important to me and when possible I like to support my community.
The second thing, it had to be an independent company. I am a small business and want to support others who are also small businesses. I know sometimes this means the products cost a bit more in the end up helping support other small businesses is key for me. I did not just want to be a purchase order number.
I probably should have placed this first, but I wanted to make sure that whatever I put the Dirt in Your Skirt logo on would be a quality product that you would want to have for years to come.
I have said before and will continue to say it – I find perfection in the imperfection – of handmade products. In our world, today having something that you know was worked on by another human has a unique feeling you can’t replicate with a machine.
I didn’t go out and specifically look for a women-owned and operated company but in the back of my mind if I did find one that fit that bill it would be a bonus.
So I set off on Google to find a company that might meet my needs and also does a smaller run of mugs. I think it was third or fourth on the search I found Mean Mugs Pottery. Mean Mugs is a women-owned and operated company here in Salt Lake City. I set up a meeting with the owners Jessica and Judy and within the first five minutes of visiting their studio, I knew they were the company for Dirt in Your Skirt.
Without going into all the details they seemed to offered everything I wanted in a company to work with and knew in my gut I found the right company. If you have been following my Instagram feed you have seen highlights from the visits.
Part of the project is not just getting some killer handmade mugs made by rad women but I am also documenting the process and putting together a mini-documentary to go with the podcast interview we will be recording soon.
I was in the studio yesterday shooting some footage and below is Judy Nelson, one of the owners on the wheel working on one of the Dirt in Your Skirt Mugs which will be available soon on our shop!
Be sure to follow my socials for more updates along the way!
I feel truly blessed to be able to have found another women-owned company that shares so many values as I do. I could not have been more lucky to find Mean Mugs and so excited for the mini-documentary, podcast, and of course the mugs themselves!