Basically, I have two passions in life (well ok I have many) obstacle racing and food. as obstacle racing and writing about it has shifted from a hobby to my full-time job my hobby of food exploration has expanded. From the beginning of this blog I have written about CSA’s,......
Winning at World’s Toughest Mudder can be many things to many people and at the end of 24-hours many people walk away winner, only a few might walk home with checks but others walk away winners of a different sort. THE PLAN World’s Toughest Mudder has been an interesting journey for......
The ink is dry on the paperwork and the official announcement has been made so it’s time to share the news on this site. After a couple week’s of talks and figuring out all the details it’s official and I have accepted the new role of “Supreme Editor-in-Chief” because......
In the last few months more than once people have come up to me and told me they want to quit their job and follow a dream. My journey and my story has become a reference point for many and yet when people seek council, I am cautious to......
This obstacle racing odyssey I am currently on started in 2010 at the very first Spartan Race since then I have been able to say I was at a lot of other firsts… World’s Toughest Mudder 2011, Spartan Beast VT 2011, Spartan World Championships 2011, Ultra Beast 2012, Survival Run......