Gratitude Journals, that thing that you hear every self-help guru, high performer, and many athletes talk about. Between gratitude journals and meditation, you would think that the world did not function without them. For a long time, I was pretty hesitant to have a gratitude journal. It all sounded......

What does it mean to be healthy? Pick up any magazine, tune into any morning show, or just scroll social media – everyone is trying to tell you how to be healthy. Hell, this website and podcast attempt to do just that every week through our guests. For my entire......

Sarah Pozdol is a mother, a coach, author and competitive athlete. Born and raised in Oregon, Sarah was exposed to fitness and athletics at a young age. She grew up watching her mother guide people in the fitness industry and personally excelled in softball, volleyball, and track. It wasn’t......

What would it be like to live without money as the driving factor in your life? What if instead of money transactions you operated your life around relationship building? For most of us living in the western world this concept sounds so abstract it’s hard to conceptualize. However, our......

It feels like there are so many books and not nearly enough time to read all of them. Sometimes it’s hard not to order every new book you hear about on a podcast (ours included) or hear on your favorite show. I pulled a few books that for various reasons......