Dirt in Your Skirt Athlete Series – KC Frahm
I first met KC during the Death Race in 2012. She was not a competitor but had traveled half way across the country to help another group of racers for the weekend. She is today a much different person than the woman I met in 2012. Something while at the Death Race sparked a fire in this 28-year old and set her life on a different journey…
“At the time I was extremely overweight and embarrassed at the fact that I couldn’t even hike up to the cabin. What I saw that weekend was truly inspiring and literally changed my life. Seeing how those athletes pushed themselves both physically and mentally truly changed my life.“
She decided to drop some weight in order to have bariatric surgery. She is how over two and a half years from that Death Race and over 130 pounds lighter. She is the local host of All Things Considered on NPR for KMST. Learn more about KC in her own words.
How did you get involved in your sport?
In 2012 I was introduced to the sport of OCR via the Spartan Death Race. I was support crew for a team of 8.

KC at Death Race 2012
Were you always an athlete?
Not at all. In fact, going to the Death Race and seeing the amazing athletes and what the human body is truly capable of is what inspired me to change my life around. From 2012-2014 I have lost 130 lbs and my life has completely changed thanks to OCR.
What are some of your athletic achievements?
I went from not being able to run a mile, to this spring completing the Bataan Memorial Death March in the civilian heavy category carrying 45lbs for 26.2 miles through the mountainous desert of New Mexico. I also have completed many OCR’s including a Spartan Trifecta and two GORUCK challenges.
What are your goals for the upcoming season?
Initially I set a goal for myself to complete 30 events before I turn 30. That was a goal of 30 events in 24 months. Right now I’m 5 months in and have already completed 15 of the 30, so I think I will need to add more to that goal. My teammates and I with Team Fugitive Run are in the process of planning a relay bike ride from Missouri to Vermont for the Spartan Ultra Beast next year.
Who is/are your inspiration?
My best friend, and 2 time Death Racer, Angela Emily. If she hadn’t asked me to crew for her at the Death Race I’m honestly not sure where my life and health would be right now. She is the most hardworking, humble and genuinely talented athlete I’ve ever known and I’m very lucky to call her my best friend.
What is your most proud moment in sport?
I had so many people tell me I could not complete the 26.2 miles of the Bataan Death March while carrying the heavy ruck, that when I crossed the finish line I couldn’t help but cry tears of joy knowing that I had proved to myself and to my peers that anything is possible when you put your mind to it.
What is your most proud moment in life?
I would say the Bataan story previously mentioned
How do you overcome a bad race or training day?
I think we all have races or days in the gym that could be better. I am still slower than many of my fellow teammates, but I have to remind myself that regardless if I’m the first or the last I have given it my best effort and that each day is an opportunity to get better.
What is your training routine like?
I primarily do Crossfit during the week and most of my weekends are races, but in my free time I also enjoy road and mountain biking.
What advice would you give to someone starting out in your sport?
I am proof that anyone can do this sport if you put your mind to it. Don’t let the haters and the doubters bring you down, use them as fuel to improve yourself every single day.
What is your favorite pre-race and post-race food?
Pre race I like to have a protein heavy breakfast a few hours before racing and after racing my favorite treat is bananas and a Juice Plus Complete Shake.
When not training and competing what do you do with your down time?
I am a huge hockey fan and love going to games, go Blues!
What is your favorite quote to motivate you?
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” Sometimes the task seems impossible, but you just have to tackle it a step at a time.
What is the best advice a coach ever gave you?
Carpe Diem or seize the day. Simple, but can be applied to so many aspects of athletics and life in general
If you could share some advice to the next generation of athletes, what would it be?
Take the time to enjoy every single race. There’s no such thing as “just a 5K road race”. Every race is important, so give it your best and soak every moment in.
What is/are the races you are most looking forward to this year?
I’m really looking forward to trying the Battlefrog Series as well as the Spartan Ultra Beast. I attended the OCR World Championships as a spectator this year, but I plan to run the course wherever it may be this next year.
Follow KC as she continues her journey on her Facebook Page – KC Stopped Dieting