Another Blog – Welcome Farming For Bliss
Basically, I have two passions in life (well ok I have many) obstacle racing and food. as obstacle racing and writing about it has shifted from a hobby to my full-time job my hobby of food exploration has expanded. From the beginning of this blog I have written about CSA’s, gardening, some recipes, seasonal eating, food (both healthy and unhealthy) and more food. Over time this blog has taken on it’s own voice, tone and gathering of obstacle racing knowledge and is less about my personal day-to-day life and more about the people and the obstacle racing industry as a whole.
During my time of writing Dirt in Your Skirt another adventure has been rising on the side, if you follow my Instagram and Twitter you can see that adventure. My partner Forest and I have ventured further and further down the rabbit hole of urban farming/urban gardening/urban homesteading/permaculture gardening. As we have been doing so we have learned and shared some of the experience. Parts have been on this blog and much of it has been on Instagram. For the moment that is not changing in terms of Instagram and Twitter but for the blog it’s time to separate the job of obstacle racing and the hobby of urban farming.
Both have led to a greater consciousness expansion and both actually teach me many lessons that overlap each other. In fact, working in the backyard moving around straw bails, bags of chicken feed, compost, and moving dirt are all forms of OCR training. Just as healthy food, local food, all have positive effects on my healthy and ultimately race day performance. But the day has come to separate the two some so that work can continue to be work and hobbies can grow.
So I invite you to check out the new site, Farming For Bliss, for all things happening in our urban farming experience. If you want to learn about chickens, greenhouses, seedlings, bees, and basically read about all the ways we eff up along the way, join in. I hope you check it out and like what we are up to, share comments over there and follow that journey as well as everything that continues to happen on Dirt in Your Skirt as well as my writing on and