Day 105… Life and Priorities
Sometimes the best laid plans, the ones when you thought you were so clever and calculated all the variables are the ones that are the first to blow up in your face. You know those plans the ones when you think you have it all figured out. This lesson I learned today, after much calculation and planning I had worked out going down to Staten Island this weekend for the Spartan Race, Super Spartan – Hurricane Heat. I had rearranged schedules, arranged carpooling, and worked out a schedule for the weekend.
This all came crashing down today when I found out I have a work engagement I have to be back for on Saturday and there is no flexibility in me being even a minute late. When I found this out I was shaking and probably went white when I was informed of this fact. Instantly I felt the race slip away from me and a wave of disappointment crashed over my head like a tsunami. Quickly I had to adjust and refocus.
The hardest part about this whole thing is not that I have to work, because work happens and it’s how I pay my bills, or that am missing a race. No, the greatest disappointment is I will miss out on seeing some of my best friends the people who truly “get” what I am doing each day. For this was the hardest part of the day, sending Lynn the message that we would not be able to carpool and my core group of Spartan Chicks that I have to bail on them. It was with a heavy hand that my fingers stroked the keypad this afternoon.
I am sorry to those that I was looking forward to seeing and those looking forward to reading about my adventures this coming weekend. It was just not in the cards for this year. I will miss you all and am sorry to get the hopes up of many people around me.
However, all is not lost as I will still be running in the Vermont 50 on Sunday. Not being able to go to Staten Island could be a blessing in disguise. Now all I have to do this weekend is take it easy, rest up, hydrate, and get ready to run the longest race of my life to date on Sunday.
For now I can only look at the positive, I can go into the 50K rested and ready to take it on bright and early Sunday morning.