Dirt in your skirt blog

New Designs from Yoga Design Lab

Posted on December 6, 2017 by Margaret Schlachter

Yoga Design Lab makes some pretty cool looking yoga mats. If the yogi in your life is looking for a new mat for the holidays check these out. We will hopefully be reviewing the product here on Dirt in Your Skirt soon.

Yoga Design Lab launches it’s newest collection of eye-catching luxury yoga mats made from natural tree rubber and recycled plastic bottle microfibres. Just in time for holiday shoppers looking for that fashionable yogi gift!

Described by Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue as ‘stunning works of art’, Yoga Design Lab is a young Bali based yoga brand that is shaking up the industry with sophisticated technology and uber-colorful designs.

‘The goal was to create a beautiful, highly-functional product with the smallest eco footprint possible. Countless yoga mats end up in landfills because they’re made from non-recyclable, hazardous materials. We wanted to help change that.’

-Chad Turner, Founder/Designer


How is the Microfiber Made?

It is a total closed-loop supply chain, so you can be savasana-assured that your mat has been ethically sourced and manufactured with conscious awareness.

Bales of plastic bottle wastes will be supplied by recycle collectors. Workers of the yarn manufacturer separate the colored bottles from the clear ones while every bottle, including the labels and caps, are inspected for foreign materials.

The sorted PET bottles are then sterilized clean, dried and crushed into small chips so they are completely free of harmful foaming agents and plasticizers. The chips go through a heating process that allows them to pass through the spinneret until they end up being wound up like yarn threads in spools.

The fibers are drawn into smooth strings, and then go through a crimping machine which will give the polyester yarns the fluffy wooly texture. The crimped polyester yarns is dried, baled and pass quality control before they are considered fit for selling.