Dirt in your skirt blog


Posted on January 24, 2012 by Margaret Schlachter

As I wrote before I put my hat in the ring for the new TV show called Unbreakable, the brainchild of Joe Desena and Andy Weinberg. In case you have forgotten they are the brains behind the Death Race and also founders of Spartan Race. As well I also coach some of their children in skiing. So after much prodding from them, I sent in the initial email. Talked with a producer and found myself making a video for the second round this weekend.

I did realize one thing in watching the embarrassing tape. Nope, not sharing it with the world about 4 people have seen it and I am keeping it that way. But I have gotten a lot better on camera! It’s funny how hard a task it really is to stay comfortable and natural. As I worked today I would sneak in watching other hopefuls videos, some were good and others were just hard to watch. As I watched I hoped mine wasn’t that painful.

I am not itching to be on the show. If I can it would be a new experience to embrace, but I am still not completely comfortable with opening myself up to editors and totally portraying me as they like. I have spent a long time figuring out who I am and becoming comfortable with that person. I feel for the first time in my life I am becoming comfortable with myself. I feel I am able to be more comfortable with those around me as well. This has been a big step for me, to realize me is pretty great. I truly feel that it’s when we are comfortable with ourselves we can be comfortable around others.

Anyways, this other video also popped onto the radar recently of the world. It seems that this show will not be the first to be called Unbreakable. No, in fact a couple years ago their was a British show by the same name. Coincidence they want eight people for the American show of the same name. When I asked Joe and Andy about this, Andy answered he hadn’t see the UK show. Joe just said to me when asked if this is what the show will be like, maybe. So take from that what you will but is this what I am signing up for…

At least according to producers the whole thing will be shot in Vermont. But Joe liked today to throw in a rumor that maybe it wouldn’t all be in Vermont, AND let the mind games commence!