FitnessRX for Women
Recently my articles have decreased on the this website. Over the winter I was finishing up my upcoming first book about obstacle course racing which is being published by Tuttle publishing, more recently I have taken on a few more writing gigs and can find my writing reaching an even wider audience. In addition to writing here on Dirt in Your Skirt, I also contribute to several times a month and write for once a month.
However the big news is I began a new weekly column online with the popular health and fitness magazine FitnessRX for Women. My weekly column is entitled “DIRTy GIRL” and is exclusively about obstacle course racing and the magazines first content on the growing sport. It’s an exciting opportunity for me to be able to share information about our beloved sport to many in the greater fitness world. Check out the weekly column and share it with your friends. It’s an exciting new addition to my writing and loving being able to share information with the world. It’s an exciting new chapter in the evolution of Dirt in Your Skirt and hope to continue to share the message with more and more women of Dirt in Your Skirt in the future!