The fifth anniversary of this website has come and gone back in June. For the last five years, this website and this blog has given me an outlet to share not only my own story, thoughts, gear reviews, and race recaps, but also allowed me to share the stories of......
Life seems to move faster and faster as the years go by. Writing about work and life balance is nothing new. Whole websites are devoted to the topic, and daily someone posts on my social media feed an article about balancing life. But why is it that we are seemingly......
I am incredibly honored and excited to team up with Dirt in your Skirt and share some of my thoughts on balancing life, family and training/racing. As I have tried to write this first article I have felt incredibly overwhelmed. I am still trying to figure out a balance myself, so......
I run every day. I don’t always want to go. Some days, it is nothing but discipline that kicks me out the door. I go because I must. I started running about ten years ago to find sanity and for vanity. I needed to lose a few pounds, and my......