A Wall of Fun
Some women ask for diamonds, others ask for cars, clothing or kitchen appliances. Me, I asked for one thing when my man was coming into town, a wall. So the other day I got my 7’6″ inch wish, a brand new training wall in my backyard. We spent the day building it together, well I watched the build then painted it. A girl has got to have her wall pretty.
In all seriousness, I had really wanted a wall to train on and with my boyfriend in town he agreed to build me one just like he built for his brother, Hobie, to make his How to Train for an Obstacle Race video. Hobie had recently made some upgrades to his wall that I had the opportunity to train on while in Utah. Since then I had been coveting his wall and wanting my own. Always one to like a competition my wall is one inch taller than Hobie’s wall with some additional add-ons, namely a spear target!
Over the past few days we have woken up in the morning and while drinking our morning coffee headed out to the backyard to warm-up for the day with a few spear tosses. I will not claim to be an expert spear thrower but I have gotten a lot better in a few days, a few hundred throws will do that to you! Also I have been up and over the wall countless times and working on my parkour techniques. Needless to say we definitely don’t need television in my house!
Today, I had the opportunity to spend much of the day with the Chris Davis of Spartan Race, and we were able to train on the wall. After introducing him to the game of disc golf and 18 holes at a nearby course in the woods we headed to Dirt In Your Skirt HQ aka my house. Chris didn’t realize when we agreed to head to my house he would be in for a workout. We had Chris attempting to climb over the wall. He is getting there! He crawled under the wall. He tossed Spartan pancakes over the wall. All turning a short workout into some fun. Then we moved onto spear practice. Chris is working on his technique and will be over again so he can nail it at the next race.
After a fun day with Chris we dropped him off went out to dinner then decided to have a few more tosses before calling it a night. Welcome to the game of SPEAR PIG. Remember playing PIG or HORSE in the schoolyard growing up. Well, my boyfriend and I took it to the next level with the new target and spear. The rules are the same as PIG and well this is what happens when you spend way too much time playing in the backyard and turn off your television!
A great day with much diversity and fun. Thanks to Chris Davis for hanging out with Dirt In Your Skirt today! Look for a later post with more information the wall itself and building one of your own.