I feel like lately I have been away from my writing. Blog posts have dropped from a daily digest to several times a week. So where have I been and what have I been doing? Most recently the move has been on the forefront of my life. Finally settling in and purging many unwanted and unneeded parts of my life I think that is almost in check. But that is really only part of the story.
Otherwise, I have quietly been rehabbing and strengthening my hips. I had hoped it would have worked itself out by now but it’s a lingering pain and process. I am hoping this issue that started in the winter will not too adversely affect the season. I am learning it’s easy to have a problem start, much more difficult to have it disappear. So twice a week I am working specifically on this problem in both PT and with our Strength and Conditioning Coach at my work. Both give me homework to work on daily. I am with my trainer once a week doing something new and creative each Wednesday. This is a highlight of my training!
But mostly I am back on the trails, alone in the wilderness. Depositing away miles isn’t always the most glamorous or riveting of workouts but it’s the truth and the heart of my training. Often times on a run I have some enlightened thought only to come home and stare at a computer unable to recall it in all it’s glory. How do I train to run around on a mountain and race all these obstacle races in the woods? I spend massive amounts of time on a mountain. Sometimes I run, others I hike, then there are the days were it seems I can go no faster than a walk. However, whatever the pace I keep moving forward. As I headed off the mountain after an hour moderate run, I realized I hadn’t been as “on it” with the blog recently. Which prompted me to think about what I actually had been doing recently.
Well in the end really all I have been doing is quietly living life in the woods of Vermont and seeing what each day holds. Trying to achieve a happy and simple lifestyle with as little complexity as possible while choosing the road less traveled.