Day 108… Around and Around We Go
So I said I was going to just stretch, eat, hydrate and be done for the day. Well I lied, actually ended up swimming today over at the Pico Sports Center. Every since the GORUCK Challenge my shoulders have been all sorts of sore, at this point its a combination of stress and well mostly stress. I was a little hesitant was my training partner asked if I wanted to go swimming today but I figured, give it a shot. My thought was I could stop at anytime.
We headed over to the Pico Sports Center after work on a rainy Fall day in Vermont. It wasn’t just rainy it was pouring! We both changed and headed for the pool. I went in thinking I would do as much as my arms, shoulders, and upper back wanted to take. As I got in the water and started to move I could actually feel my muscles loosening up. The movement in the water allowed for a full range of motion and the lack of impact was a great change.
We swam at a fairly constant pace for about 40 minutes, giving me a lot of time to work on my flip turns. It was interesting I had not swum laps in a pool in years and I was surprised at how well I functioned just going around and around. In years past I would get bored extremely quickly and want to be done after just 5 minutes. Today at 5 minutes I started to think how long had I gone then kept going to find at next glance at my watch mid-stroke I was at 15 minutes. As I relaxed into the swim the minutes clicked by and my body felt good. We finished up at around 40 minutes not to overdue it for either of us, I had forgotten how quiet it is once you are in the water and it’s just the sound of your breath and your arms entering and exiting the water.