Dirt in your skirt blog

Day 64… Getting off the Couch

Posted on August 10, 2011 by Margaret Schlachter
A Romp In The Woods

I woke up this morning in zombie mode. My whole body felt like led. I seriously had doubts about my chances of getting off the couch and myself to school. The weight of the last couple of days finally had started to sink in and my body was now allowing itself to relax for the first time. I was pretty emotionally drained after yesterday’s power blogging afternoon. Those posts took over seven hours to craft.

Not good, especially when you have to go sit in class for most of the day. I struggled to stay awake all day. Words melted together on the pages into a big blob. Nap ops definitely needed to happen. I had my doubts about doing any sort of physical activity when I could hardly keep my eyes open in class. Ironically, my muscles themselves are feeling good after the race, now its just my energy level that had sunk dangerously low, when this happens normally, I get sick.

I got home this afternoon, ate about half a bag of Sun Chips dazed in and out of consciousness for an hour or so this afternoon while watched a TV show, then it hit me, all of a sudden like a wave. I had to go for a run. My body was giving me no choice. So I listened, I told myself it would be short, which it was, and that I could take it easy, like I could make that happen.

Trail Run

Look who I found on the run!

Hinesburg, VT
Distance: 2.84 Miles
Time: 30:31
Pace: 11’06”

It was a quick run around the field, not too hot but super humid. When I got back to the house I was dripping and my niece laughed at the sight of me while she was in the tube. I actually felt much better after I got off the couch. I guess I just needed to get out and stretch my legs. I need to thank Shawty Spartan for including me in her blog post today on Spartan Race’s Official Blog, read it —HERE—. Not only is she a super writer and competitor, I am happy to be able to call her a friend as well. Not going to lie knowing she and Katy were both going out for a workout today motivated me to at least get outside. The Spartan Chicked Team keeps on giving!

On another note, I can’t believe I have another race in just a few days in Windham, NY! Just it’s time to mentally prep for the Warrior Dash. Looking to break my time from last year. We will see how it goes this year. At least I know the course.