Just Jump
Recently, I have forayed into the world of CrossFit. Since October it seems that each day has brought new personal records and new highs. That’s the beauty of when you begin a journey, everything is new, exciting and it’s easy to get those personal bests which intern become the fuel that helps keep the fire burning bright within you. CrossFit and I are still very much in the honeymoon stage.
As I checked the workout this morning it was as if they were reading my mind. Yesterday’s workout drove me to almost complete muscle failure in my legs while trying to accomplish the 100M of broad jumps. If anyone was driving down the street yesterday watching me attempt broad jumps, I hope they got a good laugh. I was sore this morning as I logged onto the website to try to figure out what I would be doing today. After a conversation with a friend yesterday I was really hoping for she jumping, enough though my legs were about to fall off yesterday. To my delight this morning I logged on to see the Pre-WOD (pre-workout workout) and the WOD both involved box jumps, yippee!
Pre WOD:
High Box Jump
6×5 Goblet Sqaut (Heavy)
Rest about 10 seconds between each box jump.
4x :30/:30
Box Jump 20/16″ Going for speed and linked together reps.
Push Up w feet elevated.
Example: Feet on med ball or two 45# plates or KB arms
4x:30/:30 Lateral Ball Throw to Wall
Stand a long arms length away from wall and throw ball at wall and re-catch. Two times with the right side of body, two times with the left side of the body.
Score is lowest rep per movement. Use the :30 of rest of the last rounds to transition to the new movement.
I got to the gym, warmed up and then looked at the box heights for the pre-WOD. This is where it is fun to be new to something like CrossFit and at the same time daunting, as I workout around my schedule in-between classes I am often guessing at what exactly “high” or “heavy” or “light” actually mean. I know it is all relative so I make my best guess in the first sets of workouts when adjust along the way. Today I knew my “high” box jump was over 24″ a height I can easily jump, so I guessed at 30″ to start. (I am 5’4″ or 64″ tall) The first three rounds were a little too easy so I upped the height, now sitting at a 36″ tall box. Now this was intimidating to look at. Well above my hips, almost at my boobs it seemed like, I was not sure how I was going to make the jump. But as I always try to do I pushed myself out of the comfort zone and into uncharted territory.
As I took a little extra time, stared down the box, and said a lot of self affirmations, I took a deep breath and jumped. My left foot made the landing while my right foot slide off the side. Thank god for the new padded boxes at the gym!! With one foot making it onto the box and the other just barely missing, I felt like I could do it. My next jump, same outcome as the last. I took a break, stared at the box, tried a couple jumping movements to make the leap, and all it did was start to psych me out. I tried to jump again this time barely getting up half of it, damn it, focus! Stopped took a deep breath, told myself I could do it, I could make the jump. This time I focused on where I needed to land and saw my feet going there. I jumped. This time just barely making the box using my hand to balance myself onto the box, so I was closer but not there yet. With both feet making it onto the box I knew I could do a clean jump.
I knew it was possible, yet the idea of actually doing it was freaking me out on the inside. I took a step away, again, focused in it, this time putting all the power I had into my “ups” and then that’s when I feet squarely planted on the top of the box and was able to stand up into full extension! God I love box jumps! I went on adding an additional set to this mix jumping for over two sets all the way onto the top of the box clean!
I went onto complete the WOD with a lot more box jumps, some less than stellar push-ups (my nemesis), and some lateral ball throws. I walked out of the box elated with my high box jump. I can’t remember a time when I have jumped that high before. Thank god for the padded box! I am sure the next time it will be exciting but not like the first time, a new PR for the day. That is the beauty of being new at something, the fire in my training burns a little brighter today for my afternoon run. So today here is to being new at something and scaring yourself a little in the process!
I think this song is appropriate for today…