Surfing in NH
I have been consumed with early orders for the new Dirt in Your Skirt gear and finally getting the first shipments out the door and taking inventory. (If you are interested in ordering check out the photos on Facebook and shoot me an email from the contact me page)
Yesterday, I had the opportunity to head surfing for the first time in two years. Surfing and I have a history, it is one of the only sports I do for pure enjoyment and am not afraid to be called a destination surfer. My surfing tails up to yesterday included places like Costa Rica, Australia, and New Zealand. What can I say for five years my vacations had to be where I could surf. I had always had an aversion to surfing in the cold waters of New England after such idealic spots. Basically, I was spoiled, and not afraid to say it.
However, it had been over two years since my board had felt the salty water against it and why not get out of the office for the day if you have the chance. So I pulled the board out of hiding, packed my gear and headed on the school trip with the KMS students. The trip consisted of students, teachers, coaches, and administrators and all sorts of ages. As we pulled away from the school I was still a little uneasy about getting back on the board after two years away, and still more dealing with the cold water.
As we left Vermont and headed to the New Hampshire coastline I relaxed into the idea of the day. I actually was looking forward to it and praying some of the waves from last weeks swell still held. As we approached the shoreline I could smell the salty air. We reached Summer Sessions Surf Shop in Rye, New Hampshire and I knew it was go time. The crew at Summer Sessions was great they suited us up in wetsuits, I rubbed some cold water wax on my board and we were headed across the street to the ocean.
The group was broken into the never have I ever’s and those of us with some experience. We headed out towards the water with James our groups guide after a quick recap of some etiquette in the water and basics (which leg you put your strap on). Then we headed out into the water, it was time to actually surf! It was a nice little sandy beach break, which is so nice! The waves were well, small a little over ankle high but good for learning. James was a great guide and helped me get back into my groove.
Surfing is kind of like riding a bike you never forget how to do it but you are damn rusty and wobbly when you start. After a couple falls off the board, I finally got back into catching waves and we were off. It all started to click and come back. I was stoked to be in the water and paddled my ass off to catch the waves each time. After about three hours in the water non-stop it was becoming a little harder each time to catch the waves and the tide was changing.
I caught that last wave of the day and rode it back into shore. As I peeled my wetsuit off back at Summer Sessions, I hadn’t to have a conversation with one of the owners of the shop. I had told him about my past experience and that this had been my first time in the water in New England. Basically, he called me a slacker for not coming out and cut through the crap in a joking way and called me out of being a wimp for not having been out in a couple years. It was one of those conversations that brings everything into focus. In that moment I realized; It’s about the richness of your experiences in life that matter. Do the things in life you enjoy and don’t let dust collect until conditions are perfect, because you might just be left waiting a lifetime.
For me surfing is one of those things I need the introduction to a new area from someone and now that I have had that introduction the next time out isn’t quite as unknown. Now I just need to get another wetsuit this one for surfing so I can head back out again. Overall, it was a great day to do something completely different from the norm. Surfing is a great all body workout which works balance as well. If you have the chance I highly recommend it and if you are in New Hampshire and around Rye Beach hit up the guys over at Summer Sessions they were great and I have learned one thing in years of taking surf trips, get in good with a local shop. They can be your best friend in town and help you get your feet on the ground when new in town. One thing is for sure it doesn’t matter the place, size of the wave or the water temp, I still have the same smile on my face when I exit the water each time.