Dirt in Your Skirt 2.0 – Updates, Changes and an Exciting Future
Dirt in Your Skirt started as a journey of one in early 2011, it was a personal online training journal chronicling the path to the first World’s Toughest Mudder. Quickly, it evolved into a resource for women in obstacle racing and beyond on a global level. In late 2012 we announced the our ambassador program, one of the first in our sport, which launched in 2013. We were the first to introduce a weeklong obstacle racing camp for women in 2013. More recently, we brought on the first kids contributor in the sport. Dirt in Your Skirt has continued to grow, adapt and change over the years just as the sport of OCR and fitness in general has evolved.
Today we are excited to share some of the exciting changed and updates to the site and some of the projects we are working on in the future. Over the next few weeks you will start to see a diverse set of voices share experiences and advice over this website. We have quickly learned that Dirt in Your Skirt is much bigger than one person and we are here to celebrate women at all levels in obstacle racing and beyond.
We are bringing on new contributors to focus on a variety of topics that fit the female obstacle racer and really all women who want to go out and be active and healthy. Obstacle Racing is just a piece of the puzzle and many of the women in the sport are also runners, bikers, CrossFitters, Boot Camp goers, hikers, campers, and more. We want to embrace everything women are up to in the world as they are breaking down gender barriers and showing that women can not only hang but can excel at anything they put their minds to.
Features Coming Up:
More Athlete Profiles – Featuring more women in the sport of all levels and sharing their stories.
Kids Corner – Bringing you OCR from the kids point of view
Masters Corner – Master athletes share their experience and give advice for the masters athlete and some of the unique challenges they encounter.
Work/Life Corner – Managing work, life and racing and how to keep all in check for a happy an healthy lifestyle at all levels.
Off the Beaten Path – We profile some of the more “out there” activities open to women and the women who are participating in them.
Road to the 2015 World’s Toughest Mudder – We will follow a group of women as they prep for WTM for the first time as well as those looking to come back for another year.
Coaching Corner – Sharing wisdom for training and more.
Gear Reviews – We have more of them coming.
Race Recaps – Because who doesn’t love a race recap.
It is an exciting time for Dirt in Your Skirt as we embark on our next evolution. We are excited to bring you a diverse set of voices from women at all levels of fitness and backgrounds. Dirt in Your Skirt is truly a community and in 2015 we are branching out to bring you more from the community as a whole.
Do you have an idea for an article? We are always looking for more women to expand our contributors. Contact us through the Contact Page if you are interested.