Women of World’s Toughest Mudder
When it comes to the women of World’s Toughest Mudder, names like Juliana Sproles, Deanna Blegg, and Amelia Boone are normally at the forefront of people’s minds. Their accomplishments have become legendary in the Tough Mudder community and are to be acknowledged and applauded. However, none of these women have competed in every World’s Toughest Mudder. Only two women hold such an honor, Mandy Baskin and Corinne Kohlen.
These two women have battled the elements in all four World’s Toughest Mudders since its inception in 2011. Honored to be able to call both of these women friends and more importantly honor their commitment to the race we all know as WTM.
Both women on top of being badass racers, both hold down full-time jobs. Kohlen is a dietician and soon to be mother. Baskin is a balloonist and mother. Each year both women have felt the pull to come back year after year and test themselves at one of the most challenging obstacle races of the year. While many women done a World’s Toughest Mudder or two these women, have not let freezing temperatures, hypothermia, injury, or other ailments keep them from WTM annually.
This year Baskin will be toeing the start line once again, and we *might* see Corinne Kohlen take on the first ceremonial lap as she awaits the littlest Tough Mudder to enter the world and then crewing for her partner as he races. These two women have unwittingly paved the way for many other female mudders to come.