World’s Toughest Mudder… The Race Laps 1 – 3, Part 1
Posted on December 22, 2011 by Margaret Schlachter

We headed to the dreadedElectroshock Therapy, dangling electrified wires. They beefed this obstacle upsince May, no longer could you just run through it now hay bales where in theobstacle you had to climb over making avoiding shock nearly impossible. Oh andthere was more mud, a theme of this race. I managed to miss almost all the livewires, again due to being short until the very end. Todd on our second lap Spiderman’sthrough it, ducking and diving giving the crowd watching a laugh. At this pointwe saw friends spectating and chatted as we passed. Spirits were incrediblyhigh for the first two laps really.
We ran past the first aidstation and drank up some chicken broth and ate up some Sharkie’s something Iwould come to eat WAY too many of over the next day. Quickly moving throughTurd’s Nest and the first set of Berlin Walls, again it’s helpful to have anextremely tall partner for the walls! The tenth obstacle, which was probablyone of my favorites, had a stupidly long line when we got there. It was the island-hoppingobstacle. Here you jumped from floating dock to floating dock. Years of skiracing and balance exercises came into play. A quick stop for hot Jell-O in themed tent and we were off to the Funky Monkey. At this point having madethe error of no gloves first lap, my hands were in no way going to grip themonkey bars and I quickly dropped into more water. To get out of this sectionyou had to submerge. Originally we were told there would only be one submergesection in truth there was a whole lot of water.
The next part of the coursebrought us through a muddy creek, into the woods, up and over a few logs. Thispart was really like any trail run in the woods of Vermont. We went up and overanother hanging cargo net. As we passed one of the timing mats and came out thewoods we rounded the corner and did what they call Peg Leg. Basically a bunchof stumps placed in lines surrounded by, you guessed it muddy water. Peg Legmight be the easiest for me; balance and well-placed feet make this one a pieceof cake. It says there was another Devil’s Beard but all I remember next wasthe barbed wire crawl. This on was up a hill and was fairly long. After theyear of racing I know the best method for barbed wire is rolling! It’s thedizzy way but the fastest.
We then proceeded into Todd’s least favoriteobstacle the boa constrictor, which is an angled plastic culvert pipe intowater with barbed wire over it then another pipe angled back up. This obstaclenormally no big deal was much harder when I was in my wetsuit after the laterlaps. We next went into what was called shake and bake. At this point we werefreezing and I had picked up a space blanket along the way, which I proceededto run with around me. As I crinkled along the three made fun of me, but Ididn’t care I was a lot warmer with it on and would do whatever to keep myselfwarm because I was far from dry….
to be continued….