13-in-13 Dirt in Your Skirt Challenge
We are already half way through January, statistically many have already fallen off the bandwagon with their New Years Resolution. 2013 for Dirt in Your Skirt is the year of accountability, we are bringing in the year, with the resolution to hold ourselves accountable we are offering a change for you to hold yourself accountable and in the process get a limited edition collector medal to help you along the way.
Here’s the Deal:
There are many 13-in-13 challenges on the web, some state they must me half marathons, others state they have to be with one organization or race director. Here is our challenge, it’s your year, your goals, and well your life. We challenge you to complete 13 events in 2013. They can be obstacle course, trail, road, virtual or bike races, they can be CrossFit competitions, community sponsored walks, rucks, really anything that you can imagine. It’s time to set the goals and hold yourself accountable for the year. We want to help you accomplish your goals!
Sign-up for the 13-in-13 Dirt in Your Skirt Challenge and in the spring (April) we will send you your 13-in-13 commemorative medal. It can be a reminder to your commitment during the year and at the end of the year be a testament to what you accomplished. Join me, take the challenge and commit to exploring new thing, conquering old fears, and inspiring those around you to join in.
After each event post a picture or comment on the Dirt in Your Skirt Facebook Page, Twitter feed, or Dirt in Your Skirt Forum Page sharing your accomplishment. Let’s encourage those around us this year to go beyond and experience something new!
Registration is: $30.00 this includes your commemorative medal and certificate of completion. Medals will be shipped in April. Registration is open from now until May 15, 2013.