Recently at Outdoor Retailers here in Salt Lake City, I saw for the first time a Portable mini espresso maker. It was like love at first sight! I love coffee, I love espresso, but I live in a small house so getting a big espresso machine is just not an......

It’s crazy to think that I am a month into the 10-Week Online Wim Hof Method Course. As the course is progressing the difficulty of the exercises and breathing each day is increasing. Not only are the exercises and breathing increasing in difficulty but also the cold exposure as well.......

Allison Tai is many things, a mother, obstacle racer, coach, ultra runner, world record holder, and wife to name a few. ...

Today millions of women around the world are showing solidarity like never before seen in modern history. Women today around the world are coming together in peaceful protest to exclaim we are here and we will not be silenced. This is not the first time in history women have stood......

It’s been three weeks of working on the 10-week Wim Hof Method course. The course is an online module which is simple enough to follow consisting of both breathing exercises and cold emersion through showers and such. Above is a quick video talking about how I am feeling a......