When the opportunity came up to travel to a Savage Race, it was one I jumped on. For years, I had heard glowing reviews of Savage Race. The one hitch was the only race that fit into my schedule was in Florida, a place I had avoided at all costs......

Kimber Mattox, a 26 year old from Bend, Oregon has quickly made herself known in the obstacle racing world after the Warrior Dash World Championships in 2014. She soon was recruited for the Atlas Race Pro Team and has been finding a home in obstacle racing. She is a professional......

As a SpartanSGX Coach, I like to assign homework to my athletes so that they can make progress toward their race goal rather than blindly beating their body up in hopes of discovering the right formula on their own. Such assignments include sport specific and cross training activities as will......

“I love our dog more than you.” has been said in our house by both my partner and I more times than one can admit. As much as my partner, Forest, and I love each other when it comes to our dog Bliss we can easily argue as to......

We just got an email about a race of a lifetime for one or two lucky people. Kahtoola is awarding a scholarship to this year’s TransRockies. Find out more below and how to enter. From Kahtoola – FLAGSTAFF, AZ – With bitter cold temps and snow blanketing much of the nation,......