It was once said and has been repeated for years, do something that scares you. These are often the reasons people jump out of perfectly functioning airplanes, jump from tall bridges with their feet attached to a rubber cord, jump off cliffs and other activities. These are the things that......
Let me start this by saying how much I dislike the cold. I’m one of those people who complain when the temperature falls below 20 degrees Celsius (68 Fahrenheit), yet is loving every second of 40+ degree weather (104+ Fahrenheit). So how did I, a heat-loving Western Australian, find......
Spartan Race has always had a special place in my heart with it’s connections to Vermont and my introduction to the sport in 2010 at the very first Spartan Race outside Burlington, Vermont. A few months ago, I wasn’t sure whether or not I would be attending this year’s......
I admit it, I am a planner. I enjoy confirming the little details. I check distances, locations, timings, site maps and costs and then check the details again (sometimes repeatedly), before every race. In some respects, I think it gives me a sense of control when truly I have no......
It only took 6 years of obstacle racing and a lot of putting my ego aside, however a couple weeks ago I toed the line at my first all women’s obstacle race at Dirty Girl Mud Run outside of Pittsburgh. A couple weeks earlier I was on a call with Human......