After all the news of last week with Reebok Spartan Race and a few other things regarding the change, the world seemed to have changed overnight. It took me a couple days to digest all the information, process it, and be able to continue moving forward. Change is something that......

The big announcement of the day and well really the world of obstacle racing as a whole happened this morning in New York City. It was announced that Spartan Race now Reebok Spartan Race signed a five-year title sponsorship with Reebok. Reactions over the internet today have been mixed, to......

We are already half way through January, statistically many have already fallen off the bandwagon with their New Years Resolution. 2013 for Dirt in Your Skirt is the year of accountability, we are bringing in the year, with the resolution to hold ourselves accountable we are offering a change for......

Over the holidays, I was faced with the majority of my childhood packed into a moving van and delivered to my sisters house. As I shifted through the remnants of my childhood piece by piece I realized just how hard it can be to let the past go. I painstakingly......
No one said the journey would be easy. No one said you would instantly get everything you wanted and more. I was told I would fail and probably fail over and over again. But yet like everyone I formed a bubble around myself shielding out the possibilities I might not......