Instead of writing a long year in review post. This year I changed it up and decided to share my year in photos. Thanks to all who were a part of it and thank you to you for reading and sticking with our journey. Happy New Year ...

Tomorrow marks December 21, 2012, a date that many have pondered for centuries. Their were the Mayan’s who predict the end of a meso-cycle happens tomorrow, Nostradamus named it as well in his lost book as well as many other ancient texts all point at the same day, tomorrow. We......

The day I met Joe Desena in spring 2011 little did I know that he would not only become a good friend but also open up a whole new world of people to me, each one more amazing than the next. I often have joked around with friends that Joe......

I wasn’t going to go, I wasn’t going to go, I wasn’t going to go. I signed up for another race on that day close to home to convince me not to travel to far off places to race. I had told the world I wasn’t planning on going. Even......

Thursday afternoon around noon or 1pm here in Salt Lake City the 2012 Spartan Race World Points Series came out with it’s final update of the season. The races have been run and the points calculated, reactions of excitement, confusion, anger, outrage and many more are being reverberated amongst the......