It came upon me this evening while a friend was and asked for some water and opened the refrigerator, I have a pretty clean fridge. I don’t mean clean as in it’s physical appearance but it us also that as well. What I mean is I open the refrigerator to......
While digging through old papers and getting ready to once again move in October I came across a stack of papers I wrote in college. The inner packrat in me has a hard time throwing things like this out. I had completely forgotten about this paper and as I flipped......

Just when you think you have a bit of a break another opportunity springs up. So this Friday I will be boarding a plane and heading to Northern Florida for none other than a race. A new race for me at that, this one called the Superhero Scramble. The scramble......

Earlier in the summer I had the opportunity to head over to Ibex headquarters in White River Junction, Vermont and get a lesson on wool. Wool growing up I always thought about as that itchy material that sweater your grandmother gave you was made out of. Wool seemed low-tech and old......

“For it is in giving that we receive.” ― St. Francis of Assisi Admittedly after one and a half times on the Spartan Race course in Pennsylvania on Saturday, running it again on Sunday was a little daunting. I was staying at a friends two hours away from the race and......