For years my eye has been on a solar charger for my electronics in the wilderness. Between weekend camping trips, all day adventures and more sometimes having a backup is a necessity when navigating terrain or wanting to snap some video, photos or above all having an emergency device to......

I admit it, I am a planner. I enjoy confirming the little details. I check distances, locations, timings, site maps and costs and then check the details again (sometimes repeatedly), before every race. In some respects, I think it gives me a sense of control when truly I have no......

It only took 6 years of obstacle racing and a lot of putting my ego aside, however a couple weeks ago I toed the line at my first all women’s obstacle race at Dirty Girl Mud Run outside of Pittsburgh. A couple weeks earlier I was on a call with Human......

Have you ever wondered what it would take to be able to call yourself an athlete? I have. In fact, it occupies most of my internal drive and makes me push harder during training. But I’m not paid to train (as much as I’d love that), and I don’t take......

Let’s be honest, those of us that love to lift, and lift heavy, have the worst time trying to find clothes that fit those legs we love so dearly. It doesn’t matter if I’m trying to rock a pair of skinny jeans (try is definitely the key word here because......