“When I was at Warrior Dash” is not normally a statement that people who have been in the OCR industry for a while start a conversation with, however after this last weekend’s experience that might change. Most know Warrior Dash as the entry level event, the festival, the beer, and......

When I tell people I participate in the sport of Medieval Armored Combat, I get some weird looks. What started as an obscure form of combat has now spread across the world and is gaining speed as an internationally recognized sport. The athletes dress in reproduced, custom medieval armor that......

*Original Profile Here, See updated 2017 below the line. Charity Fick might be behind a desk during the week as a Service Desk Analyst but this 34 year old can be found most weekends tackling a mud run or obstacle race around Canada. She is a contributor to MudRunGuide.com and......

This winter I first learned about OOFOS sandals. They sell themselves as a recovery sandal. From the website, “Designed to jumpstart the recovery process, our incredible footwear offers unparalleled impact absorption and arch support. Whether you’ve just finished running, playing, lifting, or just a long day, keep in mind that......

Dark. Desolate, Deserted, Consumed in a Sand Storm, Strong winds, No Sounds, No Turning Back, No Quitting. This is what I encountered at 3AM at World’s Toughest Mudder 2014, alone on the course. The sand and wind were difficult to break through, my head and hands were like ice, the......