For those in the racing community Rachelanne Gladden is a name well known more her what she does off the course than on the course. She has been at races like the Death Race, Fuego y Agua, SISU Iron and many others not as a competitor but behind the scenes......

The things that happened in the last couple of weeks incase you missed it… Atlas Race Relaunches While most of the obstacle racing world was focused on Spartan Race and theirWorld Championship Racein Killington, Vermont big news was happening on the west coast in the obstacle racing world. In the last two years the......
We are already on Episode 6 of Obstacle and Adventure Weekly! This week we feature two amazing athletes who are up and coming in the obstacle racing world quickly. Check out this week’s video featuring Corinna Coffin and Ryan Atkins. ...

Rhonda Bullard, the 42-year old woman who burst across the finish line first at the recent Ultra Beast and said to race officials, “that was a fun workout” shocked the racing world when she came from nowhere to take down some heavy hitters in obstacle racing a few weeks......

Helene Dumais, a name that might not be known on the American circuit of obstacle racing but is well known outside the US in both Europe and Canada. This 33 year-old Montreal, Quebec resident is no stranger to the podium finding her way there 14 times in 2014 at various......