Most of corporate America needs to fill out performance evaluations each year. I filled them out for years, then waited to be told if my evaluation of myself was correct. Which is funny in many ways that we need to be told that we are correct in the way......

Each year continually polls show that the most popular new years resolution is to well simply lose weight. Many set the goal, some buy memberships to gyms but continually let the gym membership card collect dust in our jump drawer. We as Americans are the most overweight and least fit......

It winter, it’s snowy, but it’s still time to train and run. Do you find treadmills as unappetizing as we do at Dirt in Your Skirt? Recently we had the opportunity to test out a new pair of Inov-8’s, the OROC 280’s. We have tested them in varying types of......

Ever needed extra motivation in your training? An addition carrot to get those miles in or an added way to hold yourself accountable? Welcome in virtual racing, a new craze, fad, or revolutionary way of racing possibly. In our digital age of computers, busy schedules and crazy work hours, a......

For Immediate Release: Applications Open Dirt in Your Skirt Ambassador Program: The Dirt in Your Skirt athlete ambassador program supports like-minded athletes who are respected leaders in their community. These athletes believe in the Dirt in Your Skirt ethos, the quality of our products and are culturally aligned with......