Dirt in your skirt blog

Posted on September 19, 2016 by Margaret Schlachter
A good lantern on a dark night is invaluable whether it be on a camping trip, at a pit area for a race, or for when the power goes out at your home. Recently, I was sent a new lantern from Fenix Lighting to test out and see how it would hold......
Posted on September 14, 2016 by Margaret Schlachter
For the last couple of months, our kitchen pantry has radically changed. Over a year ago, my partner found out he was suffering from a Candida overgrowth in his body. Immediately, we started to change some things in our diet. The first to go were the legumes and most of......
Posted on September 13, 2016 by Margaret Schlachter
Maggi Thorne has been part of the obstacle racing scene for years. She has competed in top events like OCR World Championships, World’s Toughest Mudder, multiple Spartan Races and everything in-between. All the while also competing in beauty pageants winning the prestigious Mrs. International in 2014. Since that time she......
Posted on September 7, 2016 by Margaret Schlachter
On the podcast, this week is a special guest Liz Patnode founder of True North VT Retreats. Liz has been a friend for years and she joins the podcast this week to talk about how she ended up in Pittsfield, Vermont after a career as a national level rower then......
Posted on September 5, 2016 by Margaret Schlachter
As the fall camping season kicks into high gear as well as the obstacle racing championship season, my life is about to be 100% on the go. With that, I was recently asked if I would like to review a product called Paleo Meals To Go – freeze-dried, paleo meals......