Dirt in your skirt blog

Posted on December 6, 2013 by Margaret Schlachter
If there is one thing top athletes are over sensitive about, it’s their bodies. Athletes track their training, their diet, their rest, and most importantly their recovery. While sports massages and body work has been common practice for years and many major sporting events have these professionals on staff to......
Posted on December 3, 2013 by Margaret Schlachter
It’s the holidays and time to give those you love presents. This year we combined some of our favorites for the OCR/Trail Running/Fitness Addict in your life! Something for everyone as well all price ranges:   Inov-8 Shoes (www.inov-8.com) – tried and tested in the OCR World. Inov-8’s are still one of......
Posted on May 17, 2013 by Margaret Schlachter
Dirt in Your Skirt is all over the world this weekend. As the spring has quickly melted into summer in Salt Lake City the obstacle course racing season seems to be taking off all over the country. This weekend we have ambassadors and myself racing all over the world.  ......
Posted on May 7, 2013 by Margaret Schlachter
The first run with someone is in many ways like a first date, you make the plan of where to meet, the route you plan to run, and maybe talk about if you plan to grab lunch or a drink afterwards (that is if the run goes well). Basically, you......
Posted on April 26, 2013 by Margaret Schlachter
Today I embarked on a different sort of training but one that would leave me as worn out as any run or lift would. An Amazon Local (Living Social) deal popped up on my radar last week for the new Salt City Floatation Spa here in Salt Lake City. It......