The gear started to roll in today. I already have my headlamps, strobes, GPS Heart Rate monitor, one pair of gloves and now its time to add more. After a spending spree the other night on my supplemental nutrition and some last minute gear items they are all starting to......
Monday morning and 5:00am came early, Jason, my training partner, and I talked about doing hill sprints in the morning up his very long and steep driveway. Yes, that house on the hill the quiet oasis from the noise around me. As I can to and sucked down my first......
No I didn’t plank this day away as well, but we did make a video with the kids. I guess my plan of a workout worked for my fellow “on-duty” dorm supervisor, each time he sneezed today he felt it, and when he went for a run said each hill......

Group Plank Weekends, the time when we get out and enjoy those long workouts, we meet up with training partners, training teams, and we get out and do something. For me, once every three weekends for five months of the year, I sit and spend the weekend on duty. As......

GORUCK 9/11 – That Flag Traveled Across The World In our age of technology the world seems to move so quickly that we often forget to stop and say thank you. We have in many ways become a global community and at the same time become more isolated in our......