We were roused this morning to the sound of Andy wondering where his tires were for his bike. This was an hour before his race was to start. I popped out letting Jason sleep in as he was the one racing this weekend and I was here for one job,......

A note about his post, it along with Friday’s was written at around 3:30am going into Saturday morning. In an effort to stay awake while crewing for Andy I decided to write. This is what comes out of my brain after almost 24 hours of being awake… After a......

Post Spartan Beast Sometimes my work actually fuels my blogging, figuratively. Today I headed to Boston for a conference among the many speakers and topics discussed one was fueling the body and post workout nutrition. It caught my eye and well, figured I would share a few nuggets of knowledge......
They say absence makes the heart grow founder, I was not ignoring my blog to make you want to read this post even more, in fact it was just my body succumbed to the Autumn head cold. Yes, I have been out of commission for the past couple of days.......
Sometimes in life we achieve success quickly and other times we fail. It’s within the failure that we stoke the coals deep down within us to reignite the fire in our belly. For if we succeed at each first attempt we get lazy, get complacent, and forget just how to......