Boxes and rails seem to be the phrase I have said more times today than anything else. Its Saturday and Saturday means coaching the FutureStars on the mountain. This collection of six to nine year olds tests me constantly. Children and their perspectives on life are endless amounts of entertainment......

After a mere four and a half hour seemingly nap, I called a night’s sleep last night, the alarm went off. I roused myself into the shower standing letting the warm water hit my face and bring me back to life. All I knew was that this mornings workout would......

I woke up this morning with anticipation of today’s workout. Not the stressed out scared type, no this was more like the first day back at summer camp after having been a camper for years. It was a comforting feeling, almost like going home. During work today I couldn’t wait......

Training partner is back in town, which means it’s time to get serious again. Jason has a new approach to this year and training and I will be along for part of the ride. All I knew last night was 4:30am breakfast starts and training was planned from 5am –......