As 2011 getting closer and closer to closing its chapter in my life I am taking the next two days to look back, look back to what has happened over the past year. I am not sure how I will feel about it when I look back 10 or more......
Helping to crew a race while half way around the world, sound like a challenge. As many know my training partner Jason is currently competing in the Epicman in Hawaii, a triple iron distance. As much as I would like to be in Hawaii and help him I had to......

What does a 10 month old, a Kindle, Techwick gear from EMS, an axe, Go Girl aka FUD (Female urination device), body glide, and a new pair of socks and hand and feet warmers all add up to. No it’s not the set up for some awful joke. It also......

My time with the family for the holidays is over. This year can be described as “Where’s Your Head At?” or “Sleeping the Holiday’s Away” or “Barefoot Christmas”. It’s been a week since I raced and honestly today is the first day I fell like a put together human being.......
Originally, I started counting days and training for one purpose to lead up to World’s Toughest Mudder and since that race has ended and is almost put behind me. (I still have dirty clothing) I have thought long and hard about continuing counting days until the Death Race. However, I......