Tough Mudder May 2011 Well it’s happened, we have hit Day 100. Shocking how far I have come in such a short time, life has completely changed in so many ways and I have made some amazing friends and had some once in a lifetime experiences and this is only......
So yes, I have been lazy with posts and I apologize to those who look forward to reading it each day. My body took more of a beating than I thought during the GORUCK Challenge and It took me a couple days to get myself back in alignment. The GORUCK......

Words like epic, emotional,transformative, reflective and many more could be used to describe this pastweekends events in NYC. It seems when I take the time to sit down and writeabout most of my more recent profound experiences I always want to prefacewith, where do I begin, as so many others......

Gypsy Trail It must be something with traveling and my Spartan family and I, as it seems every time we all try to get together it turns into an adventure. My travel to NYC started on Thursday and I finally put my pack down at MScan’s apartment at 1:00am in......
So as life often does, plans change and sometimes Plan B turns out to be even better than Plan A. So tonight I spent wrapping bricks in preparation for the GORUCK Challenge in NYC. How I got here I can not fully explain as it’s been a whirlwind but it’s......