This post has been one brewing for a long time, maybe it finally came to the surface after the past weekend I have had. Maybe it has something to do with a certain races title I may have coming up in December. Maybe, it has to do with another event......
The Double Iron is over, the Triple Iron is over and I am left tired, worn out, and even though I didn’t race I feel as if I was part of something special over the weekend. In truth this weekend was a chance for me to remove myself from my......

Road Food After a blissful nights sleep, well in truth I don’t remember sleeping, but I was told I was out like a light. The last thing I remember of Sunday night was the TV on and something playing on it then it was morning. I was told that I......

Running Early morning As daylight was breaking on the Sunday, I was out and running again with Jason. His friend and Spartan Race enthusiast Jay Jay came to watch and help out on the last day. Her timing could not have been better. It allowed me to crawl into the......
Tent City Day two along tent city. I can honestly say the toughest hours of the day are between 3:30am – 5:30am when you are crewing for an epically long race like this one. These are the dull drum hours, everyone is tired, the sun is still in hiding and......