Throwing a Rock up a Work Road Today is an extremely busy day for me so my usual run then lift were combined today into a masochistic trail hike/run. I got up straight out of bed, no screwing around and hit the trails. First off, my foot was still a......
I think Vermont has hit it’s summer stride, well at least for the next two days. Then the weather will undoubtedly change again. It’s New England, if you don’t like the weather wait a minute. After a productive morning and afternoon in the office I was itching to get outside.......

View from Ram’s Head Parking Lot Happy Father’s Day! Especially to my Father and Step-Father! Another amazing day in the green mountains. The weather could not be better today. It’s about 65 degrees and we have a slight breeze to keep the bugs away. Perfect day to get out on the......
Post Run, Clouds Cleared, Was up on All Those Peaks! LUCKY DAY 13… Today was my long day which for me at the moment ends up being a long slow run. I started from my house and was on a mission to ascend and descend several peaks of Killington on......
I reached my second rest day, as one person on the Dirt In Your Skirt Facebook page commented, “I hate rest day. The necessary evil in my world.”Yes, it is a necessary evil, which prompted my article link of the day. Rest and Recovery After Exercise Improve Sports Performance After Exercise......