Sometimes the best laid plans, the ones when you thought you were so clever and calculated all the variables are the ones that are the first to blow up in your face. You know those plans the ones when you think you have it all figured out. This lesson I......

I have written about this before but really since I left for NH and Irene hit my hometown my training like parts of this area has been in disarray. First it was the lack of being home, then not having roads and trails open around me. Tonight I decided to......

Today I put in my last big run before the Vermont 50 next weekend. I set off this morning for a long road run. Along the way I ran the course for the race that was suppose to this weekend the IDIC 15. However, due to Hurricane Irene the race......

So since it’s Friday and I have designated most Friday’s as my off day I decided to stick to it. My body is still, yes still recovering from the GORUCK at least my shoulders are, my legs a whole other story they feel great. Most of all I am still......

Sometimes it takes a push to get off the couch. Today it took a big push. I headed back over to Pittsfield for another Trail Run, when I got there my training partner had a few more work emails to get out before we could run. I plopped myself on......