My Humble Pile of Kindling Get your mind out of the gutter; it’s about chopping wood. A phase coined at the recent Death Race. After arriving late at camp last night I pleasantly arose to the sound of loons. Something in the air up here makes me sleep like a......

Ok, so headed to camp in the mountains for the weekend, nope not in a tent but at our family camp that it is in the heart of the Adirondacks. I know I live in the mountains already but these are a different sort of mountains. We have no TV,......

Too Nice a Day Not to Run That’s right I’m back on the training path! After two days of doing virtually nothing, including work I am back at it and looking forward to the Spartan Beast, and World’s Toughest Mudder. Ok, to be honest I still have a cough and......
Still not 100% today, so my training is limited to possibly a 30 minute spin on the bike just to reactivate my muscles later on today. It will all depend how I am feeling by the end of the workday today. Thank you for all the support, I just have......
Yes, sidelined. After a week of nonstop motion my body and more accurately my immune system has rebelled. I pushed and pushed to the limit between Death Race, Grad School, Disc Golf Tournament and the Fireman’s Forth of July. I know the ways of my foley, lack of a good......