Too Nice a Day Not to Run That’s right I’m back on the training path! After two days of doing virtually nothing, including work I am back at it and looking forward to the Spartan Beast, and World’s Toughest Mudder. Ok, to be honest I still have a cough and......
Still not 100% today, so my training is limited to possibly a 30 minute spin on the bike just to reactivate my muscles later on today. It will all depend how I am feeling by the end of the workday today. Thank you for all the support, I just have......
Yes, sidelined. After a week of nonstop motion my body and more accurately my immune system has rebelled. I pushed and pushed to the limit between Death Race, Grad School, Disc Golf Tournament and the Fireman’s Forth of July. I know the ways of my foley, lack of a good......
Lining up the Parade HAPPY 4th of JULY For me this was a very different 4th of July. I am use to being on a small secluded lake in the Adirondacks surrounding by family and those almost families. Well being VP of the Fire Department changed all that for me......

I have to start out by saying I hope yesterday’s post didn’t sound too negative. When I got back from the run it was almost 10PM and I can say I was cranky, tired, and hungry. When I got in my cold tub to soak my muscles my body was......